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Embed Easy Share on Your Website 👇

Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website organically? Imagine a tool that allows your site visitors to embed their own ads—video, image, or text—onto your pages or posts. This not only encourages engagement but also turns your website into a dynamic space where visitors actively contribute content. Here’s how it works and why it’s beneficial.

How To Embed:

1. Open your HTML editor.

2. Paste the CSS code right before the closing '</head>' tag of your site.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<--optional for form fonts-->
<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href=";400;700&family=Pacifico&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

3. Paste the HTML code on every page where you want to embed EASY SHARE TOOL.

<div id="parent-container" style="text-align:center;"></div>

4. Paste the JS code right before the closing '</body>' tag of your site.

<script src=""></script>
<script> if (document.querySelector('#parent-container')) {insertDiv();} </script>
<script src=""></script>

If tooltips styles (e.g.❓) are not working, make sure to add jquery code on your HTML editor header section or in between opening and closing 'head' tags.

<script src=""></script>

The primary purpose of this tool is to generate free and organic traffic. Site visitors will be more encouraged to share your website and content since they can directly benefit from it. By allowing them to embed their ads, you not only enhance engagement but also create a mutually beneficial relationship where both you and your visitors gain value.

Start using this tool today and transform your website into a vibrant, interactive space that attracts and retains more traffic effortlessly!

How does the tool allow visitors to place their ads on my website?

Visitors can easily place their ads on your website using a special link generated by the tool. This link simplifies the ad placement process, making it straightforward and user-friendly.

What types of ads can visitors embed on my site?

The tool supports various ad formats, including video, image, and text. This flexibility allows visitors to choose the format that best suits their promotional needs.

Is it easy for visitors to use the tool to place their ads?

Absolutely! Visitors just need to enter the media source and destination page links, then click on the generate button. It’s a simple, hassle-free process designed for ease of use.

Can I control where visitors' ads appear on my pages or posts?

Yes, you have control over the ad placements. It depends on where you embed this tool on your page, giving you the flexibility to manage ad visibility effectively.

How can I ensure that the ads placed by visitors are appropriate and safe for my audience?

To maintain the quality and appropriateness of the ads, there’s a 'report this ad' link at the bottom of each ad. This feature allows you and your audience to flag any inappropriate content promptly.

Are there any analytics provided to track the performance of the ads placed by visitors?

No, but visitors can use their favorite URL shortener with both their destination page(affiliate/blog/page URL) and the generated link. This way, they can track the performance of their ads and see how well they are engaging with the audience.

We'd love to hear your feedback or experience using our tool! Feel free to suggest a feature or related tool, though implementation will depend on demand.

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DigitalDren aims to be a leading online platform that provides valuable tools and resources for digital marketers, helping them generate sustainable revenue through various monetization strategies.

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